New DISCA representatives

Hi everyone!

First of all, we want to thank you for the trust you have given us and for voting us as your representatives. At this point all that remains is to introduce us:

Giacomo Fanti:

“I’m 30yo and I live in a small country near Como since I was born. After high school, where I obtained the industrial technical expert diploma, I obtained both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree at the University of Insubria in Environmental Sciences. I did both theses at Environmental and Occupational Hygiene research group. Nowadays I always work with the same research group and my tutor is Dott. Andrea Spinazzè. I start my PhD this year (XXXVI cycle), so I am a new entry, and My PhD project concerns the development of a multiparametric device for the monitoring of airborne pollutants. Leaving out this pandemic period you can find me at the “Anello”, floor -1 in Via Valleggio ,11 (Co). Last but not least I’m very interested in outdoor sports like cycling and skiing especially everything related to the mountain world”

Martina Scotton:

“My training began at University of Insubria earning a bachelor’s degree in safety engineering, then I obtained a master’s degree in industrial engineering at Polytechnic of Milan, and both theses were carried out under the supervision of Professor Sabrina Copelli with whom I had the pleasure of collaborating as a research fellow first and then as a PhD candidate. Actually, I’m at my second year of PhD (XXXV cycle) and the main aim of my research is the environmental impact modeling and risk management of industrial accidents, with a particular focus on dust explosion. Topic that has captured and fascinated me already from the master’s thesis. Like my colleagues I also have interests outside the academic world, indeed I have a wandering soul and I am passionate about photography. For any need you can find me on the first floor of “Cubo” building located in via Valleggio 9 (Co) or you can contact me by email.”

Giulia Gorla:

“I’m a second-year PhD student (XXXV cycle) and I’m working in analytical chemistry and chemometrics with Prof. Barbara Giussani. I graduated at the University of Insubria in Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry as bachelor’s degree and then in Chemistry as master’s degree with a thesis in analytical chemistry. Someone says I am chatterbox and kind of nerdy. What is sure is that I try to be as sociable as possible. I love dogs and cats, castles and sports (almost all of them). For everything you might need, you can find me on the second floor of via Valleggio, 9 “Cubo” building (Co), or most likely in this period, on Teams or by email.”

Do not hesitate to contact us for any need, we will do our best to help you solve any kind of problems.

Best regards and enjoy your PhD!!!!

Giacomo (

Martina (

& Giulia (

Summary Meeting 4th November

As discussed during the Starting Meeting held online on 4th November 2020, for the academic year 2020-2021 the PhD students’ duties are summarized as follow:

  1.  Internal courses: each student have to attend (at least) 3 internal courses (3 CFU each) per year. On our webpage, you can find the list of the courses provided this year and the calendar – reachable also from the homepage.  Please keep in mind that (1) the deadline for choosing the internal courses is December 1st and your decision need to be communicated to the Coordinator Prof. Michetti and the teacher providing the course, (2) you need to fill in the “Scheda Dottorando DISCA” to be send to the Coordinator Prof. Michetti within December 1st, (3) the students who plan to attend the Prof. Gazzola (i.e. Drugs discovery and medicinal chemistry) have to get in touch with the teacher ASAP because the course will start on November 13th.
  2. External courses: You can choose external courses either if you are abroad or if you find any course of interest for your PhD, instead of the internal ones provided by the Doctoral School. However, few limitations apply: (1) you need permission from the Coordinator Prof. Michetti, and (2) the total amount of CFU of the external course cannot exceed 9 per year. 
  3. Students from the XXXVI cycle should identify their PhD program title and tutor and communicate it via the “Scheda Dottorando DISCA” to be send to the Coordinator Prof. Michetti within December 1st.
  4. Participation in a congress/workshop (with a concurrent poster or oral presenta on) or in a doctoral school is mandatory at least once per year.
  5. Proof of English is mandatory. A certificate attesting the B2 English level is mandatory. Your English skills will also be assessed during the annual final presentation.
  6. There is no longer the obligation to follow at least one informatics course during the 3 years. However, the acquisition of informatics skills during your PhD is strongly recommended.
  7. Annual nal report: at the end of each academic year (usually in September), students have to provide (1) a report  summarizing the scientific activities (roughly 3-5 pages, in English) and (2) a list of activities (attended internal/external courses, schools, conferences, etc.) and publications. Both documents have to be sent to the Coordinator Prof. Michetti using the Annual Report Scheme.
  8. Annual final presentation: at the end of each academic year (usually in October), each student has to present their scientific work via an oral presentation of approximately 45 minutes in English. Italian is tolerated (but strongly discouraged) only for first-year students.
  9. Publications: minimum 2 papers on indexed peer-reviewed scientific journals are strongly recommended during the whole doctorate.
  10. Research abroad: students are required to spend at least 6 months abroad. The research period can be obviously split in different shorter periods. Please keep in mind that the minimum period for receiving an  increase in scholarship is 30 days. To apply for a period abroad, students have to provide a document (among others) in which the expected expenses abroad need to be stated. For bureaucratic reasons, it is strongly recommended to estimate expenses that cover the entire salary (including the 50% increase), for the indicated period.
  11. Elections of new PhD Student Representatives for DISCA course and new webmasters for the DISCA page: new student representatives need to be elected during this week – for more info, please refer to Davide Campagnolo ( Also a new webmaster for the DISCA page need to be designated; preferably, this should be (at least) one of the student representatives – for further instructions on the webpage management, please refer to Nicoletta Nappo (
  12. Annual PhD research and travel funds: Starting from the 2nd year, each student has roughly 1500€ per year available for non-inventory costs (e.g., reactants, congress, laboratory glassware, radiocarbon dating, etc.), but also for laptops and similar. Due to the ongoing COVID emergency, the list of allowed costs might change. Please discuss that with your supervisors and DISCA Coordinator. 


For further information, do not hesitate to contact the PhD Coordinator Prof. Michetti (

Start of 2020-2021 academic year: meeting and teaching activities

Dear Students and Staff,

with the starting of the new academic year (a.y. 2020-2021), you all are kindly invited to partecipate to the first meeting of the year. It will take place on Wednesday 4th November in the aula AS2 (p. -1 castelnuovo) from  11 am to 13 am.

During the meeting, the Calendar of teaching activities offered for the a.y. 2020-2021 will be also presented. Here you can find a preliminary draft of the Calendar.

PhD students of all years and teaching staff members are required to attend the meeting in person.


the Coordinator, Prof. A.M. Michetti

Courses and Seminars for the second semester a.y.2019/20

As part of the teaching programme, DISCA now offers the following Courses for the second semester of a.y.2019/2020:

  • Course on BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION teached by Dr. Koprowski, University of Arizona (US). Provisional Schedule: from 6 to 15 March 2020 in Varese. ECTS for partecipants: 3.  More info in the Syllabus.
  • Course on PALEOLIMNOLOGY teached by Dr. Noble, University of Reno (Nevada – US) and Dr. Rosen, USGS (US). Provisional Schedule: from 18  March to 24 April 2020 in Como. ECTS for partecipants: 3.  More info in the Syllabus.

Another Course is planned for spring/summer 2020 on Chemical Sciences, teached by Dr. Sewald, University of Bielefeld (DE). ECTS for partecipants: 3. More info will follow.

Moreover, the following two Seminars on Earthquake Geology are planned in March:

  • “Paleoseismology and fault displacement hazard assessment: lessons learned from the past” by Dr. McCalpin, INQUA TERPRO President. Schedule: 6  March 2020 in Como.
  • “The Mountains Are Falling Apart: A Spectrum of Mass Failures from Landslides, to Deep-Seated Gravitational Spreading (Sackung), to ‘Unfolding’ of Folds”  by Dr. McCalpin, INQUA TERPRO President. Schedule: 9  March 2020 in Como.

For logistic reasons, please notify to Prof. Michetti ( if you are interested in any of these courses or seminars.

Webinars European IP Helpdesk – 15 Gennaio e 5 Febbraio 2020

Si segnalano i seguenti Webinars offerti dalla European IP Helpdesk.

  • Webinar sulle basi dell’IP. Il workshop si svolge in inglese e il programma è reperibile al seguente link. La partecipazione è libera previa registrazione. On line, 15 Gennaio 2020.
  • Webinar sulle basi della commercializzazione e la licenza dei brevetti. Il workshop si svolge in inglese e il programma è reperibile al seguente link. La partecipazione è libera previa registrazione. On line, 5 Febbraio 2020.

Seminario 4 dicembre “Differential dynamic microscopy extracts multi-scale activity in complex fluids and biological systems”

Nell’ambito dei Colloquia organizzati dal Corso di Dottorato in Fisica e Astrofisica

Mercoledi’ 4 dicembre alle ore 14:30 in Aula VA3 (Piano -1, Anello via Valleggio), il prof. Roberto Cerbino (Università degli Studi di Milano)

terra’ un seminario dal titolo “Differential dynamic microscopy extracts multi-scale activity in complex fluids and biological systems

Tutti gli interessati sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare.